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This plugin is an Enhanced Edition of ExcelReader. Has all the features of ExcelReader. And additionally provides:

  • Open multiple files (supports Excel files with the same name)
  • Data modification
  • File comparison
  • Excel Merge Function

Note : For particularly important data, it is recommended to use professional Excel tools to modify and merge. If you want to use this tool to modify or merge important data, be sure to back up your data before doing so.

Open The Same name files





  • Using IDE built-in plugin system:

    Settings/Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "ExcelEditor" > Install Plugin


If you have installed the ExcelReader plugin before, ExcelReader can be uninstalled or disabled when you purchase ExcelEditor. Both of them cannot be enabled at the same time.

Maybe you will get a prompt like the following when you start the IDE:


At this point, choose to Use ExcelEditor by obiscr.

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